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About My First Sales Letter




Drive your business with direct contact! Mario's serves the finest food on the island. Everyone on the island should know about and enjoy the great food you serve.You can attract many more customers using direct contact!


The Lead


You have a good page in Facebook with many pictures of menu, food examples, and customers enjoying their meals. Great!


But Those folks only see your message when they search for Marios Restaurant House of Chicken and Ribs in FaceBook.


You can gain many more customers if you can email them direct with reminders and notice of specials you want to offer. Imagine sending out messages to a huge, selected list of Islanders on holidays, school sports event days, discount days, new menu item days, etc.


On days of your choosing, you can spend a short time devising a message, or selecting a previously sent message on our web sales service, press the send button, and then go rev up your kitchen staff for busy day!


Body Copy


Our web sales service will build a database of email accounts of all reasonable potential customers who live on the island.


We will provide a landing page, on your website, for you to enter a sales message, set some filters that can help target your desired audience, and customer discount code.


A discount code can be used by you to track which customers responded by coming to your great restaurant and enjoying your fine food.


Now you are getting the ability to drive your business like you want to.


Compare that to one of your competitors who offers rib eye steaks, a very hard thing to find on this island. When their sales slow down and the remaining steaks are subject to spoilage, they reduce the price on the hand printed white board until the steaks finally sell. Only those people who walk past know about those special prices.


The Offer, Close, and Order Device


We can create this service for you for an initial creation fee and provide daily update of the customer list and daily messaging service.


This effort can be completed in thirty days from the day of acceptance.


Initial service and database creation 200,000 php


Monthly database update and messaging 10,000 php


Think it over carefully but act quickly to receive a 10% discount on the initial creation.


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